How Lystingz works

Lystingz is a directory website that primarily helps Nigerians find and provide amazing services with ease. It does this in two ways:

Business and service profiles

If you have a business that you run or a service that you provide, you can add the details to the website. You can add all your businesses and services to the directory. Our form allows you to add everything about your work including your work hours, social links, and work samples. What you’ll get is a very beautiful profile that potential customers can see. Interested customers can then use the contact form on your profile or the social links, phone number, or email address you provide to get in touch with you. No fees are involved and we don’t take from your earnings.

We have numerous tools to help your profile stand out or attract more customers, appear better on Google, and even track your business performance.

Account creation is required to publish services (called listings) but it isn’t needed to view and access services. There’s no need to create separate accounts for different site use

Service directory

If you need to find a business or work with someone to perform a task or service for you, you can search through the directory for qualified persons. We provide intuitive filters, search boxes, map display, review boxes, and a host of other tools that helps you find, narrow down, and pick the most suitable person for your needs.

You can readily see details about people’s work, their samples, location, and contact details. Then you can reach them anyway you choose.

Lystingz allows you to view numerous service providers and subsequently choose, hire, and work with professionals and experts for your needs. Using our powerful filters, you can efficiently narrow down search results and get the precise service provider you need.

On the other hand, we also help you promote your business for free, exposing you to a very wide audience and making it easier for you to get customers and more orders. The forms make it easy for you to showcase features and other important details of your business that are necessary to make sales.

Account creation is not necessary to view service providers, but you’ll need to be signed up and logged in to leave reviews on your favourite (or disliked) services, bookmark (save) services you’d need to frequently view, report fraudulent and untrustworthy businesses, or create and publish your own business.

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