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The Best Directory For Nigerians

Lystingz makes published services, classes, apartments for rent, and other listings easy for interested people to find and use. With tons of professional tools, creating, managing, and finding listings becomes fun and convenient.

Find Amazing Services

We provides intuitive search boxes, filters, reviews, compare, and other useful tools to help find services and businesses that best fit your needs.

Reach potential customers

Add your business and services to Lystingz  and let millions of potential customers find you. It’s quick and easy.

Publish your classes

We make it easy to get eager students for your classes at affordable rates. Class Ads can easily be created, managed, and reused. Reviews are also supported.

List your apartments

Make it easier for potential tenants to find their next dream apartment. Add your vacant spaces on Lystingz and enjoy massive publicity.

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Explore amazing services and awesome businesses. Search for available apartments and classes. Use filters for a stress-free search.

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