Category: Getting started

Aug 26
A guide to adding services

To gain more customers for your business and get more visibility for your services, you should add it to the Lystingz website. You need a Lystingz account to be able to do this. Learn more here. Pick a service category Start by loading the ‘Add a service page’ using the button in the navigation menu […]

Aug 26
Registering and logging in

Creating an account is required before you can publish your services. Registration isn’t the same as adding your business, so make sure to publish your services as soon as you’ve created an account. An account is required to leave reviews on other businesses, save a business to your dashboard, or report a suspicious business. There […]

Aug 26
How Lystingz works

Lystingz is a directory website that primarily helps Nigerians find and provide amazing services with ease. It does this in two ways: Business and service profiles If you have a business that you run or a service that you provide, you can add the details to the website. You can add all your businesses and […]

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